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Our Story

The TULA Philosophy

TULA represents a way of life and a philosophy that centers around the concept of 'You.'

Here, 'You' are the creator of your own universe, wielding the power to lead a life in balance. Our aim is to establish a secure and supportive environment within our community that empowers individuals to both learn and teach. Tula unites instructors, teachers, coaches, and wellness experts from our community, collaboratively working to construct a thriving and healthy community for all.

mind & body

TULA Pilates aims to strengthen the body's muscles and enhance physical balance in a secure and community environment.

TULA Yoga provides an avenue to cultivate flexibility, focus and alleviate stress.

TULA Beyond extends beyond mere physical well-being, offering our community access to mental wellness coaches and therapists specializing in Reiki, Art Therapy, Sound Healing, Karmic Astrology, Tarot Card Reading, and Holistic Coaching.